- 1998 Ammended Bylaws
- 2012 Brevard Clerk of Courts Deed Restrictions
- 2018 Ammendment to Declarations
- 2020 Ammendment to Declaration
To conduct business efficiently at any and all meetings of the Association, it is essential that all members conduct themselves in an appropriate ethical and business-like manner that serves the best interests of the Association as a whole. Therefore all members are expected to adhere to this ‘Code’.
Members must maintain decorum and refrain from speaking until recognized by the Chair. During Board discussion and reports, members are asked to hold any questions until the discussions or reports are finished, then raise their hand and wait to be recognized.
Members must not interrupt anyone who has the floor (as recognized by the Chair).
When speaking, members must abide by any time limits set by the Chair for comment on a subject.
Members who ‘have the floor’ must confine their questions/comments to the agenda item being discussed, and can do so a second time only after every other member has had a chance to address the issue (if time allows).
Members must refrain from personal verbal attacks on anyone in attendance, using common courtesy and acting with civility at all times.
Cell phone or VOIP use permitted only at Board meetings by Board members.
Members not adhering to this Code of Conduct shall be reminded by the Chair to do so. If after being asked by the Chair to comply, the member refuses to do so, the Chair may rule the member out of order. If the offending behavior is not ceased immediately, the Chair may order the individual(s) to leave the meeting, subject to being overruled by a majority of Board members present.
In general, all Association meetings will be conducted pursuant to Robert’s Modern Rules of Order